Youth And Fairy Tale Scripts
NEW GIRL A one-act play for teens about cyber-bullying. Maddie was the one who broke things off with her boyfriend, Chaz. But when he immediately began dating Tara, the new girl at school, Maddie was hurt and angry. And when Maddie gets angry, her friends help her to get even. Using technology from i-phones to social networking sites, they harass Tara and ruin her reputation. A serious and timely issue, cyber-bullying is becoming more and more commonplace. NEW GIRL illustrates how this kind of bullying can have a long-lasting impact – not just on the victim, but on the bullies themselves. (4 females; 3 males. Some roles may be gender-switched. Running time: 40 minutes. Royalties include email with discussion questions and online resources link.)
Fairy Tales and other Fun Plays
Our Fairy Tales are as funny as our mysteries and also involve audience participation. The humor appeals to grown-ups just as much as the kids! The Young People Plays are one-acts and have a running time of about an hour. There are no Production Packages with these shows.
THE SLEEPING BEAUTY Good Queen Jane and equally Good King William have finally had their prayers answered — a beautiful baby girl. The entire kingdom celebrates Princess Aurora’s christening – especially the three good Faeries that will be her godmothers. Unfortunately, one person was left off the guest list — the not-so-good Faerie Lucinda — a practical joker with a decidedly mean streak. You know the results. The three good Faeries must search far and wide to find a true prince and break Lucinda’s spell. Add unlikely royal candidates, a very shy prince and a well-meaning imposter and the stage is set for a comic, romantic romp. (5 females, 5-8 males) The play takes place in 3 settings — the castle courtyard; the forest; a castle room.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN Poor King Harry is broke. His trusting nature has left him the victim of every sad story and swindle in the kingdom. There is no remedy but that he must “marry for money.” Just when it appears that he must choose one of the (shudder) Carpalian sisters, it appears that he’s found another way — the Miller’s daughter, Claudia. According to her father, Tom, Claudia can. . .well, you know. And you know what happens next as well — a little mysterious gnome shows up and saves the day for Claudia, but returns later to claim his “price” — their baby. There’s a madcap race to discover the little man’s name — with some important help from the audience. (7 females, 8 males. Some male roles — including ol’ Rumpel himself — could be played by females with slight adaptations to the script. Several roles could be double, or even triple cast.) The action takes place in several rooms in Prince Harry’s castle; the forest; and the town square.
THE TALE OF SNOW WHITE Queen Vanity is livid. She’s no longer the most beautiful woman in the world. Her magic mirror has confirmed it. There’s nothing to be done except send the usurper, Princess Snow White, into the forest with the huntsman, Theo, and have her killed. Luckily, Theo is a sweet, gentle man who warns Snow White and she escapes to the forest where she finds 7 new friends. The dwarfs have very distinct personalities — and I don’t mean sleepy or dopey — there’s even a tall dwarf named Mel. (But they don’t mention it to him — he’s very sensitive.) After Snow White is poisoned, the race is on to find the Queen’s magic mirror so the Prince’s kiss will have the desired effect. And that can’t happen without some vital help from the audience. (3 females, 2 males, 7 that can be either.) Locations include Queen Vanity’s throne room; various parts of a forest — including one with an exterior of the dwarfs’ cottage.
WOLF TALES WOLF TALES is actually three interwoven stories — The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and an original tale that links them all. Leo is a hunter and Caroline is his wife. They used to be simple peasants but after a wolf ate Caroline’s pet chicken, Lucy, they began their hunt for the predators — and one in particular — B.B (as in “Big Bad”). On their quest, they meet up with 3 messy little pigs (Darla, Marge, and Tiffany) as well as a very independent little girl on her way to visit her Granny Blanche. B.B. and his devoted “henchwolf,” Max, are equally determined to find dinner. But, be assured, all will turn out in the end when the audience gets to vote on B.B’s ultimate fate. There are three very funny endings possible, depending on the audience choice. (6 females, 1 male, 3 that can be either.) Set includes various forest settings, including exteriors of the Piggies’ houses and Granny’s cottage.
THE CASE AGAINST WALTER WOLF – A MOCK TRIAL Walter Wolf, CPA, seems to be the very epitome of a respectable gentlema. . .er, wolf. The Three Little Pigs aren’t exactly ideal little piglets. So, when Walter is put on trial for Pig Endangering, Stalking, and Vandalism it comes as a complete surprise to many. Audience members participate as jurors and spectators while two Court TV reporters provide colorful commentary. THE CASE AGAINST WALTER WOLF provides an excellent introduction to the Criminal Justice system, as well as a decidedly comic courtroom caper! (1m; 1f; 13 that can be either.) Running time is about 1 hour. Note: as part of the royalty fee, a free director’s copy of the script is provided, which includes complete staging and production directions.